■ 2023年1月13日(金) 第13回海外技術者によるオンラインセミナー開催案内
(株)サーフテックトランスナショナルは、一般社団法人光融合技術協会及びイノベーションヒルズ(株)との共催で、2023年1月13 日(金)16:00~17:40に、様々な成膜技術や材料、応用製品の開発を行っているフラウンホーファー表面工学・薄膜研究所IST(ドイツ、ブラウンシュバイク市)のダイヤモンドを基本としたシステムと洗浄技術部門の部門長 Dr. Volker Sittingerによる“光学的応用のためのホットフィラメントCVDダイヤモンド成膜“に関するオンラインセミナーを開催します。
■ 講演の趣旨
The demand for highly scratch resistant transparent coatings is motivated by the industrial sector of consumer goods for example for the protection of displays, touch-screens, watches, and all kinds of optical instruments. In a wide variety of applications, scratch-free and highly wear-resistant surfaces are the enabling factor for improvement of lifetime and thus sustainability of the products.
Diamond with its unique properties such as the highest known hardness, low thermal expansion coefficient and chemical resistance (to acids and bases) has outstanding potential for optical applications. The use of thin ultrahard diamond layers with adapted optical properties is expected to enhance the resistance against abrasive wear to a new level.
At Fraunhofer IST large-area Hot-Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition (HFCVD) processes have been developed and now utilized for depositing highly uniform and transparent diamond coatings on optical components with sizes of up to 200 mm x 200 mm. The use of single-layer diamond coatings is investigated as well as the integration of diamond films into multilayer film stacks combining anti-reflective properties with mechanical stability (strength). Four-layer anti-reflective coatings (Si3N4/SiO2/Diamond/SiO2) entirely deposited with hot-filament/hot-wire processes and their optical and mechanical performance will be presented.
・アジェンダ:15:30~16:00 受付(入室)、16:00 開会、16:10~17:10 講演, 17:10~17:30 質疑応答、17:30~17:40 AIOT企業会員による会社紹介、17:40 閉会
・講演者:Dr. Volker Sittinger, Head of Diamond-based System and CleanTech Department, Fraunhofer IST(フラウンホーファー表面工学と薄膜研究所), Germany
・講演タイトル:“Hot-Filament CVD diamond coatings for optical applications”
V. Sittinger, S. Baron, M. Höfer, M. Armgardt, T. Harig. Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST, Bienroder Weg 54 E, 38108 Braunschweig, Germany
・開催方法:Microsoft TEAMSのウェブ会議ツール
・参加申し込み先:光融合技術協会理事 小野明 akira.ono1257@gmail.com
・参加費:光融合技術協会会員企業 無料 参加人数制限無し。非会員(一般)5,000円/人。
※ 会員企業の皆様は無料になりますので、企業内の広報をお願いいたします。
・参加申込者にMS Teams参加URLと振込先をお知らせいたします。
■ 講演者情報
Volker Sittinger is head of the Diamond-based system and CleanTech department at the Fraunhofer IST. He works on CVD, ALD and PVD processes for large area coating in fields such as diamond coatings (tribological applications), energy related systems (photovoltaic and batteries), and micro systems (MEMS).
With additional experience in the establishment of translational R&D for medical applications, and photo and electro-chemical processes for air and water treatment. Formerly he was a scientific assistant at the Institute of Solar Energy Research GmbH (ISFH).
Volker Sittinger received his doctoral degree in optical and electrical characterization of electrodeposited CuInSe2 solar cells from the University of Oldenburg in 2003 and studied physics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
■ お知らせ:
■ お問合せ:
TEL : 090-5757-9981
E-mail: koichisuzuki@surftech.co.jp